Thursday, June 28, 2018

CSA Week #4

It is apparently cucurbit season! That means cucumbers and zucchinis for dayyyyys. Hopefully, anyway, because these zucchinis are so good. Small, not many seeds, flavorful and lots of crunch. I could eat these all day.

1 bunch kale
1 bunch beets (with greens)
2lb zucchinis
2lb cucumbers
10oz salad greens
2 heads lettuce
2 broccoli heads
1 head scallions

Ed is planning to stop by the farm on his way to VT this weekend, so we'll augment our herb selection, which is down to some very sad dill at this point. I'm thinking that since we'll be away for a while, we'll just pickle the cucumbers, likely just a fridge pickle, because we go through pickles very quickly. Tasty little snacks.

I'd like to try a thinly-sliced beet marinade dish, with the greens on top, so maybe that's tomorrow night. Endless salads, with these little zucchs fried up on top. Ed also acquired a 2lb block of greek feta today on his way home, and that goes very nicely with a fried zucchini. Hmm, we may actually eat all of this in the next three days. That's not great value-for-volume, but, it is delicious.

Tonight we made a salad, with a very tasty charred scallion/toasted walnut mixture on top, inspired by this.

The mixture on top was delicious. I think it was -

~1/4C walnuts, extremely toasted in a frying pan
~1/2 a bunch of scallions, extremely charred in the same pan
a spoonful of capers
1 cucumber's worth of pickles, chopped finely
1 clove garlic, microplaned into the walnuts while they were still hot
a pinch of salt
a spoonful of dijon mustard
a few dashes of a reduced balsamic vinegar we have on hand, for acidity and sweetness
4 glugs or so of olive oil

We served that on a pile over a thick slice of feta. With some spears of fried zucchinis. Over a bed of un-dressed salad. With a thinly-sliced candy beet, mostly for color.

Ed thought that the beet was the most delicious beet he's ever eaten. It was certainly tasty, sweet and earthy but not TOO earthy, crunchy.

No complaints on this one, either! All this lettuce is good for us when it comes to broadening our salad experiences. If it's on top of lettuce, it counts as a salad. I think.

Ed finally featuring in a photo! Hi Ed!

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