Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fancy dinner

Ed decided that he wanted to make a fancy dinner. He didn't know what, but eventually decided on a stack of some sort. The original plan was a pile of goopy blue polenta, with some swiss chard leaves around the outside of that, and then a stack of tofu (marinated, and grilled on the george foreman), taro root fritters, and turnips. With a cilantro pesto sauce. This sort of worked out, except for when we found little moth larvae crawling around in the blue polenta, so had to scratch that idea. Yuck.

The really fancy part of this was that he wanted to make a cheese custard thing with a citrus marmalade and raspberry coulis on top. He's been watching molto Mario on teh interwebs, and Mario Batali made a cheese custard dessert with ricotta and parmesan, so Ed sort of did that, with mascarpone and parmesan. It was interesting, I actually quite liked it, but without the marmalade and raspberry coulis it would have tasted more like a cheese soufle. Anyway, it was good. I really liked the citrus marmalade, too, that was key limes and a lemon or two. and lots of sugar. The raspberries I would have preferred raw. I think you can probably find the recipe for the cheese custard thing if you look it up on the google...

Sharon wants dinner...

Looks like a sandwich!

The dessert! We would have been fine with that much custard for three of us... we'll see how it is for leftovers!

Ed and his marmalade.

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