Anyway, if Barry is going to croak, I'm harvesting all those leaves and having a basil feast. He also got shaken up a bit just before transplanting, when I fell down the stairs while carrying him. Whoops. I should look where I'm going and not wear slippery socks.
Back on track, the salad was delicious. This isn't something worth making if you don't have the freshest, tastiest, meatiest heirloom tomatoes you can get your paws on - I happened to have just some of those, and this was the perfect way to showcase their perfection. At $1/lb, I feel like I'm really ripping off Sunset Farms, but hey, they set the price.
Tomato-Basil salad
1 large, delicious, heirloom tomato
6-20 basil leaves
olive oil
Sharpen your knife. Then slice the tomato into ~1/8" slices, and arrange them artistically on a plate. Sprinkle with salt, and drizzle with olive oil. Roll up the basil leaves together and chiffonnade them, then sprinkle them on top. Try not to drool too much while eating, its that good. But I also have a love-affair with tomatoes.
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