Friday, August 2, 2013

Nectarine season

It's nectarine season!  Fresh ripe nectarines have to be one of my favorite things ever.  A nectarine imported from California is a totally different beast - hard, mealy, and not that sweet (I'm sure it's the importing part, not the California part, that screws them up like that).  Local stone fruit is impossible to beat.  When you bite into a nectarine and the juice just runs down your chin and covers your hands, that's when you know life is good.  Nectarines are a nearly perfect fruit - they pair with meats, they pair with cheese, they're good in desserts, they're good raw... is there any situation where nectarines AREN'T your go-to fruit?  Didn't think so.  Unfortunately, the season here is far too short.  Massachusetts peaches and nectarines are so delicious, but so ephemeral.  Take advantage while you can!  Yum!

Also, a little St. Agur cheese never hurt anything...

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