Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Eating PRO on the go, 2010: Pasta with Brussels sprouts and chicken

We seem to be rotating pasta dishes and taco dishes right now, but they're all good cheap healthy things to eat, so I guess that's alright. Still no pictures, because I forgot my camera at dinner and we were hungry. But it looks similar to the other pasta dish.

1lb whole wheat pasta (small shapes)
A whole bunch of brussels sprouts (6C?)
1 red onion
2 chicken breasts
salt, red pepper
olive oil

Get the pasta water boiling. Start a frying pan with olive oil, a little water, and the brussels sprouts. In a second frying pan, put the onion (sliced thinly) with some salt and olive oil. Once its more or less sweated, add more oil, and put in the chicken, with some salt and red pepper flakes. I did it in two batches. Keep the onions in there, just push them over to the side. The Brussels sprouts can mostly sit there covered as you deal with the chicken.

Once everything is cooked, mix it all together - add some ricotta if you want, its a nice addition.

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