Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Eating PRO on the go, 2010: Lentil soup

I actually remembered a camera, but it doesn't do much to make this meal look appetizing. Its a pretty simple one, but tasty and healthy, which is good enough for me on a race day. We brought some canned red curry paste, and my little plastic baggies of spices, which is why I have various spices and stuff listed in the ingredients - if I didn't have them, I probably wouldn't bother buying them, since its so expensive that way.

Lentil Soup
Serves 5-6 people, depending on how hungry you are.
1/2lb lentils, we used green ones
1/2 can diced tomatoes
2C chicken stock (made from leftover chicken when we bought a whole chicken instead of just chicken breasts for the pasta)
1 bay leaf
A couple carrots
A couple stalks of celery
1/2 of a ginormous onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of collard greens
curry paste
A bay leaf
soy sauce

Serve with some brown rice.

Put the lentils in a big pot with the bay leaf, tomatoes, chicken stock, a generous helping of soy sauce (we're a little short on salt), and as much curry paste as you would like - we used ~2 tablespoons of it. Add water to cover the lentils, more water for more soupy lentils, less water for less soupy lentils. Bring that to a boil, while you prep the vegetables. Once it boils, drop the heat back to a simmer.

Chop the carrot and celery into pretty little pieces, rinse and chop the collards. Slice the onion into long slices - you'll be pan-frying the onion and garlic, because that tastes better. Put the carrots and celery into the soup. Put some oil in a pan, and bring that up to a medium-high heat. Add the onion, and stir those around for 5-10 minutes, until they're just starting to brown (but not burn), then add the chopped garlic, and stir that around until its just golden brown. Add that to the soup. Simmer everything for a while, until the lentils taste cooked and the carrots and celery are cooked.

Heat some olive oil

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