Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Prosciutto pizza

Promise, we've been making dinner, I just haven't blogged about it. This is a quick one - awesome combo of things to put on a pizza: 

- Ricotta
- Arugula
- Prosciutto
- Sage
- Caramelized onions

Pizza is tough to make into a quick meal; even when you take shortcuts. I don't rise my pizza dough very long, just while caramelizing the onions, which is a good 30 minutes. That also gives time to make the ricotta - dump all your about-to-go-bad milk (because why else are you making ricotta?) into a pot, heat til nearly boiling, add a couple glugs of lemon juice, and set aside after stirring so it'll curdle. Strain, and this doesn't need much compressing, since you're just going to turn around and put it on pizza. 

We also made one cute little calzone, pictured. Same stuff, inside. 

Even though each pizza only takes 5-10min to cook, you still have many little pizzas to cook. The best situation is probably to be doing it a la group dinner style, just eating them as they come out of the oven, but we cooked all of them, because we happened to be using the kitchen table to stage all the ingredients. Poor planning!

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