Monday, July 2, 2012

Tomato-sardine stack salad

After a week of blissfully cool temperatures, the dial got twisted recently, and life got hot.  Way too warm for me to want to do anything other than lie in the shade and eat watermelon.  Eventually, on days like that, hunger gets to me, and I realize I have to do something about feeding myself.  Thankfully, there was some food available that didn't require cooking, and I had a tomato-avocado-sardine salad.  It was good, and even got a passable Ed-rating, when I made the exact same thing for dinner.

Tomato-sardine stack salad

1 large tomato, sliced into rounds
1 can sardines in oil, drained and cut in half lengthwise
1/2 lemon
1/2 avocado, sliced
~1/2C bread crumbs
salt to taste

I admit, I did cook the bread crumbs, but that was a different day.  You could use them raw, or toss with some olive oil and dried herbs and pan fry for a few minutes to give them more flavor.  Anyway, the salad:

Sprinkle some breadcrumbs on the plate.  Put down a tomato.  Top with some sardine pieces, then squeeze a healthy dose of lemon juice on top.  Sprinkle on some salt.  Put down a couple pieces of avocado.  Sprinkle on more bread crumbs.  Repeat these layers.  Eat!  With a knife and fork, to minimize mess.

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