Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chanterelle scromelette

I may not have a camera, but, I have a computer with photobooth... which means, the photos are utter crap. Anyway, while we were up in Vermont, Ed and I wandered over to the chanterelle patch and picked up a couple last little yellow fungi. It is near the end of their season, if there even is such a thing, but we got a fair number, and so yesterday I used some of them to make a delicious scrambled omelette. These things start out well, and then I get impatient and the omelette just turns into scrambled eggs. This happens every time. Maybe someday I'll learn the patience...

Start with about a tablespoon of butter, and throw in the mushrooms, roughly chopped, then salt them with some kosher salt. They'll give up a ton of water, I actually had to boil off some mushroom juice before I could get down to cooking them until the edges are crispy. It'll take about 20 minutes, and probably 2-3 more tablespoons of butter, before the mushrooms are properly crispy on the edges and a little chewy in the middle, and fully delicious. At that point, add your two eggs, scromble them around (totally a word when you're talking about scromelettes), until they're cooked to how you like them, and dump the whole mess on a plate. I grated some parmesan cheese on top, with some salt and pepper, and it was sheer deliciousness.

You could do this with any sort of mushroom. But the wild ones taste best...

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