Saturday, June 8, 2013

Iced coffee

Oh boy, I'm way behind on posting some of the delicious things we've been eating.  So I figure I'll come back to blogging by not blogging about food at all, but about iced coffee.  I didn't used to be an iced coffee fan, but with the heat wave that had just gone through, I knew I would not be able to deal with drinking hot coffee, and I do love drinking out of a straw.  I'm not sure I could drink iced coffee without a straw - it's that engrained.  
Anyway, I used to make iced coffee by just chilling down some regular hot coffee.  BUT! I was intrigued by trying out the cold-brew method after reading that it changed the way the coffee came out of the coffee grounds (there may be a technical term for that), something about not activating some of the tannins, resulting in a less bitter drink.  Not that bitter is a bad thing, but I wanted to see if cold brewing the coffee resulted in a better product.  I think it does, in the end.  It tastes richer, if that makes any sense.  And I love watching the milk when you pour it in (yes, I like my coffee with milk.  Don't judge), all swirly and pretty.

To make cold-brew coffee, put about twice the amount of ground you'd normally use into a jar (mason jar works well), and pour in some cold water.  Keep in mind if it's a big jar, you're making two cups of coffee, so put in enough grounds for that.  (4-5 heaping scoops).  You don't want it to come out watery!  Stir it all around, then put on a lid and leave it in the fridge for 8-12 hours.  Come morning, dump the whole thing into a french press, press, and drink!  

One thing you definitely should do - make some coffee ice cubes.  That way, you aren't watering down your coffee by putting water ice into it.  I also recommend using a coarse grind, the same as you would for a French press.

I recommend this stuff.  Especially when the temperature cracks 90 degrees.

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