Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fried halloumi salad

We picked up some halloumi the other day at Russo's.  It's basically a cheese curd.  And delicious!  One of the best ways to eat this cheese is when it is grilled or fried up, so that it's got a slightly smoky flavor and some crunchy bits, as well as the telltale squeakiness of a cheese curd.  mmmm.

We fried up some slices in a pan, then threw those down on top of a salad of bitter leaves - kale, radicchio, arugula, frisee, maybe some others.  I think the dressing was a pretty simple vinaigrette of lemon, dijon mustard, and olive oil, though I am seeing some chopped pickled garlic in the photo, so clearly we put some of that on top, too.

It was delicious!  I recommend making it.  You could grill your halloumi if you don't want to fry it, but make sure the pieces are thick enough - it does melt a little bit as you apply heat, and you wouldn't want it to fall through the grill!

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