Friday, November 30, 2012

Beet ravioli

This is an old one, but we made some beet ravioli the other day.  It was quite tasty, and also, it was pink.  I don't entirely remember the recipe, because this was a while ago.  But I believe it was 1C pureed beets, two egg yolks, and enough flour to turn that into a dough (a few cups?).  The filling was something with ricotta - probably a cup of ricotta, some cooked mushrooms, and some herbs and spices.  Hard to go wrong with that filling!

First, you roll out your pasta dough, using plenty of flour.  You don't want it to stick.  Then you put down lumps of filling, in orderly grid fashion.  Then put the other sheet of pasta dough on top, and cut out your ravioli.  

I crimped the edges with a fork, to make sure they're stay closed.  

Cook the ravioli ~1-2min, in a very large pot of water, just until they float to the surface of the water.  The ravioli above were just served with olive oil, salt, and parmesan cheese, but any sort of creamy or smooth sauce would work with these guys.  They don't taste like beets at all, but they were pink!  woohoo!  

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