This recipe is mega out of date, but I was attempting to clean up some of the drafts that never got written, and came across this pesto. I remember it being delicious enough that it's totally worth posting now, but it may be hard to find fresh cilantro right now. Anyway, this pesto was delicious on pizza, pasta, and as some sort of underlayer for stuff on little crostini. I don't remember the original reason we made it, but I do remember eating it on pasta later in the week. Enjoy!
2C cilantro
1C basil
1/2C parsley
4tsp dried tarragon
1C toasted walnuts
2tsp salt
1tbs sesame oil
1/3C balsamic vinegar
2/3C olive oil
Take all the herbs off their leaves, rinse and dry. Toast the walnuts in a 350F oven for 5min, until they taste toasty. Put everything in a food processor and chop it up.
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