Tuesday, February 26, 2013

chocolate covered strawberries

So, Ed's not a huge fan of my chocolate covered strawberries, because apparently I need to temper the chocolate more. I, however, think they're delicious and amazing, and given that I make chocolate covered strawberries on MY birthday, I'll make them how I want them. This whole chocolate covered strawberries thing is quickly becoming a tradition for my birthday, I like it. Anyway, it's dead simple, and quite delicious.

Melt ~4oz of chocolate in a double boiler. Make sure it's tasty chocolate that you'd like to eat, because you're not sweetening it or anything, let's not get complicated. I think I used 70% dark ghiradelli, and it was delicious. Rinse and dry your strawberries. Stir the chocolate occasionally as it melts, you don't want to overcook it. Once the chocolate is melted, turn the heat down to a level that will just maintain the runny-ness of the chocolate, and start dipping your strawberries. Once they're chocolate covered, put them on a wax-paper-covered plate. If you run out of strawberries but have leftover chocolate, you can pour it onto the wax paper in a little puddle, and stud with any available nuts or dried fruit. Makes an instant chocolate bar.

Put the strawberries in the fridge for ~20min, and the chocolate will harden up nicely. Enjoy! Don't eat them all at once, because you'll get a stomach ache. Not like I'd know this from experience.

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