Thursday, September 6, 2012

Roasted tofu

Yet another way to eat tofu!  This way was actually quite good - we marinated the tofu in a sauce, then roasted it on an oiled baking sheet until it was crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside.  Passed the Ed-rating with flying colors, too.  Turns out, tofu can be tasty, but we knew that.  It's just a protein to carry flavors.

The sauce was a mix of soy sauce, smoked maple syrup, butternut squash seed oil, and some sort of vinegar that I no longer remember.  And some salt, and possibly a dash of sriracha.  Tough to remember, but you basically want a sauce that's somewhat thick, with some sweetness in it so it'll caramelize nicely.  Balance the sweet/sour/salty/spicy and you'll have a winner.  I think we marinated the tofu for 15-20min, and I believe the tofu chunks took about 20min to brown up, and we flipped them once.  I recommend this one.  Make it.

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